FAT-QT v2 is a single platform capable of performing a fully automated analysis of 12-lead resting ECGs.
This new version (v2) of FAT-QT combines the advantages of a much-improved measurement algorithm of CalECG v4 plus the enhanced filters developed for AMPS FDAEcg Suite scoring module. This combination empowers it with the capability for much faster analysis of ECG traces. In the context of Thorough-QT studies, this development makes it especially useful, and for clinical trials in general, by means of pre-processing, measuring, and sorting of all the ECG traces in to different quality sets.
With FAT-QT v2, users can automatically annotate ECGs with the improved algorithm of CalECG v4. They can classify the ECGs into different quality categories by using different Scoring Metrics. Both the Scoring Metrics and the Number of Categories are user configurable. With these capabilities, the potentially needed expert review at the end of a FAT-QT session would be limited to mainly the lower quality ECG subsets. This greatly reduces the time and the resources needed for manual review and analysis of ECGs for each study.
FAT-QT v2 offers some major enhancements over the previous version FAT-QT v1.4.0:
The new enhanced FAT-QT v2 enables users to perform reliable, faster, and economical processing of large numbers of ECG traces.
Click here to view a slide presentation of Fat-QT.